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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Borst, James Juliano, Rick Matschke, Thomas Catalina. Absent, Robert Edwards, Roger Letso, Pete Samoskevich.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, two members of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. The following correction to the minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2012 were noted and accepted:

On page 3 of 4, the first line is modified as follows: “Phase One is the 1948 addition.  In January 2013 the phase will be bid with construction to commence at the end of school, June 2013.”

Upon motion of Mr. Borst and seconded by Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2012 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Town of Newtown Projects

Status of ESCO
Mr. Hurley presented the current status of ESCO.  The award request sheet dated June 4, 2012 was distributed for review.  Ameresco was recommended as the firm to be awarded the project.

Mr. Hurley recommended that PB&S be the central commission to review and approve the project to move forward with the appropriate budget.  The full scope and budget request will need to go through the Selectmen’s Office, Board of Finance and the Legislative Council.

The ESCO funds can finance improvements, funding is in place and PB&S can be the central point of information.

It is recommended that there be a joint Commission/Board meeting with the consultants and vendors to present the approach to the projects and have acceptance by the Town.  This should be scheduled for late September.

Mr. Matschke and Mr. Letso will continue as the Ad Hoc Committee, meeting with Mr. Hurley and the Town to interface with PB&S.  They will schedule a meeting with Ms. Llodra to set up the joint board meeting.  This will be done prior to the next PB&S meeting.

Solar/PV Systems
The waste water treatment facility will have the CL&P Witness Test with acceptance by CL&P in the middle to end of August.

The Middle School rooftop PV units were part of an application to the State.  There were 296 applications submitted.  84 were accepted with Newtown being one of them.  This is in the 100kw to 250kw range.

There will need to be a lease agreement with Altus Power for use of the roof.  This is with Town legal for review.  It is anticipated that there will be a signing of the standard contract which is mandatory with the Public Utility Regulatory Authority on August 7, 2012.  The contract needs to go to the State for subsidy.

The lease will need to go through the standard Town process with board approvals, recommendations for a public/town meeting, advertising, etc.  This will add significant time to the completion dates.

The Town application was for $147/ZRec.  The range for acceptance fell between 100 and 200.  The Town took a reasonable approach to gain approval, balancing cost with the projected income/savings.

Future grant rounds will be for small projects.  The State will establish a standard ZRec price to see if it will be applicable.

Mr. D’Angelo asked if wind will be a future possibility.  Mr. Hurley indicated it will be the same or similar process, but will probably need additional environmental impact processes.

Mr. Juliano requested additional information on the production of methane at the waste water plant.  Mr. Hurley said that due to the processes used, the amount was insignificant.  The sludge is compress and relocated to a plant for burning.  The Newtown plant is not designed to burn methane.

Animal Facility
August 10, 2012 is the scheduled date to move the animals.

High School Expansion Project
Mr. Schweitzer reported that the plaque has been approved by all of the Boards and Commissions noted on it and is in fabrication.

Mt. Schweitzer is continuing to contact Sonofil to get the warrantee information on the roof.

AHU-18 sketch was sent to the HVAC sub-contractor to be priced out. The unit is operational but needs some ducting changes to provide additional air. Mr. Faiella is following up with the school HVAC contractor.

The greenhouse punch list items have been address and are in the process of correction and completion.

The Area of Refuge call system will be corrected by Alarms by Precision.  They will be on site this week to review the new design and determine what elements need to be changed.  They will provide a quote for the additional work to Mr. Faiella for review and approval.

Lindquist will provide the corrective work to the fire doors with the exception of the “propeller” which will be done through Morganti.  The quote for the work was reviewed and approved by Mr. Faiella.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to accept the quote from Lindquist in the amount of $34,000.00.  Mr. Borst seconded the motion.  It was unanimously accepted.  Mr. Mitchell will deliver the quote to Mr. Tait for implementation.

The “propeller” doors have been ordered with delivery expected within three weeks.

The change orders have been corrected and will be submitted to the State for reimbursement review next week.  The Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures Spreadsheet needs to be completed and sent to the State.

Morganti will schedule a walk-through of the high school with the Town Building Department and Fire Marshal prior to the opening of school to review the corrective work to the Life Safety systems. Mr. Mitchell said that everything must be completed before the students return to school. He asked that a member of the Commission be present for the C. O. walk through.

NOTE: The Town Building and Fire officials have indicated that should the life safety portions of the project not be completed by the opening of school, a fire watch may need to be implemented whenever the school is occupied.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Fletcher-Thompson invoice #19332 in the amount of $2,325.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Borst seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Invoice 35/36 in the amount of $114,000.00 was resubmitted following review by Mr. Tait and correction.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Borst seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell requested that Mr. Schweitzer review their payment schedule to the sub-contractors and make sure that the payments occur within 30 days after receipt of payment from the Town.

Mr. Mitchell requested that Mr. Schweitzer contact all sub-contractors and remind them that all close out paperwork must be submitted to Morganti and not directly to the Town.
Hawley School HVAC Project
Mr. Mitchell reviewed the status of the Town approvals for the first two phases of the project.  The project was presented to the Board of Finance on July 9, 2012 by Kaestle Boos.  Following discussions by the Board it was decided to table the funding of the architectural/engineering services fee proposal.

The proposed A/E fees will be presented to the Board of Finance again at the July 26, 2012 meeting.

Informational presentation to the Board of Education will be on August 20, 2012.

Failure to authorize the A/E to proceed before August 15, 2012 will not allow sufficient time for the bid documentation to be completed for construction during the 2013 summer break.

Unfinished Business. None noted.

New Business. None noted.

Executive Session – Not entered into

Mr. Borst made a motion for adjournment at 8:05 p.m., seconded by Mr. D’Angelo.  All were in favor.

The next meeting will be on August 28, 2012.


Robert Mitchell